Thursday 11 December 2008

What Makes A Bad Politician - Bad?

I would like to share something that I've read in the internet a few days ago. It is about politicians... a bad one! It says, bad politicians usually do the followings:
  • Love brownnosers, tattletales, and relatives who report to them. They choose favorite party (political) members and cover up and make excuses for the poor works of their incompetent favorites. They ignore people who have been selected by the grass-root a.k.a. "akar umbi" of their party.
  • Fail to communicate, and may not even have expectations, timelines, or goals. Bad politicians change their minds frequently, and left their followers off-balance.
  • Use disciplinary measures inappropriately when simple positive communication would correct the problem. Bad politicians ignore their loyal party member's advices until there is a problem, then pounce.
  • Speak loudly, rudely, one-sidedly to people. Bad politicians don't provide the air time for people to respond to accusations and comments.
  • Take credit for the successes and positive accomplishments of other people. They are equally quick to blame others when something goes wrong.
These five are top bad politicians characteristics listed in the article that I've read. Anyway, from my point of view, the following characteristics need to be add-up as well...
  • Is not qualified for the post (political) by either skill or experience.
  • Will not let go of problems or mistakes. The bad politician returns to discuss negative events continually and searches for faults in others.
  • Will not accept constructive feedback and suggestions for improvement. Bad politicians can't deal with disagreement from other people (from their own political party or the opposition party) who have their own opinions about related issues.
  • Lack integrity, breaks promises, and dishonest.
  • Does not have the courage to deal with a difficult situation despite knowing that it is the right thing to do.
  • Causes dissention among their own party members by his or her actions and comments.
Well... now can you figure out whether the politician you know is a bad one...?


azizan said...

Salam bro,
kalau boleh buat terjemahan dalam Bahasa Melayu. Al-maklumlah, Pemuda kita masih jauh ketinggalan hal Bahasa Inggeris.

red rooster said...


Insyaallah nanti akan diusahakan. Tq.